Where are we heading?
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) and Auckland Transport have now lodged confirmed designations decisions on the Notices of Requirement with Auckland Council for the Airport to Botany Rapid Transit project.
The decisions on the NoRs confirmation of the designations follows NZTA and Auckland Transport receiving Council’s recommendation from their independent hearings panel. The hearing was held in August 2023 and Council’s recommendation was issued last December.
Auckland Council informed submitters and other interested parties of the decisions confirmation on the 8 March 2024 and the 15-day appeal period began then. It is anticipated that the designations should be finalised by the end of 2024, subject to resolution of any appeals that are filed.
Past phases
The Notice of Requirement documentation was lodged with Auckland Council to protect the land we need for future Airport to Botany project (as part of the Southwest Gateway Programme) in December 2022 . Public notification of lodgement took place on 10 March 2023, and submissions closed on 11 April 2023.
The lodgement documents are available for you to read by going to Auckland Council's website
The public hearing
The hearing took place from 18 August to 5 September 2023 where the requiring authority (Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency or Auckland Transport) and all submitters had an opportunity to present and be heard.
The Airport to Botany project is expected to be fully constructed at least 15 years from now, depending on the project being funded for delivery.
Airport to Botany Timeline
Click on the orange icons to track the progress of Airport to Botany.
About Airport to Botany Rapid Transit
Delivering a fast, frequent and affordable rapid transit between Botany, Manukau and Auckland Airport.
This project is part of the Southwest Gateway programme. Auckland Transport is leading the Airport to Botany Rapid Transit project and more information can be found on the Auckland Transport website.
The Airport to Botany Rapid Transit project will improve travel choices and journey times for Aucklanders making travel on public transport to social, residential and commercial centres in the area easier and more reliable. It will improve accessibility in the southern and eastern areas of Auckland, including to major employment centres at Auckland Airport and Manukau. It will also provide an important link in the wider Auckland rapid transit network, creating connections to the rail network at Puhinui and Manukau stations and the Eastern Busway at the proposed future Botany Station.
Project benefits
The Airport to Botany Rapid Transit project will improve access between the southern and eastern areas of Auckland by:
- improving travel choices and journey times for people in south and east Auckland, with a reliable 35-40 minute journey time between Auckland Airport and Botany
- proving a 18km congestion-free rapid transit with high capacity services
- improving access to major employment centres, including Auckland Airport and Manukau
- provide an important connection in the rapid transit network, connecting to the rail network at Puhinui station and Manukau, the Eastern Busway at a new Botany interchange
- supporting growth opportunities along the route - as well as for the wider south and east Auckland area
- improving walking and cycling connections between Auckland Airport, Puhinui Station interchange, Manukau and Botany, with 12km of new facilities.