Notice of Requirement lodged
We have now lodged Notice of Requirement documentation with Auckland Council to protect the land we need for future North West Auckland projects.
Alternative State Highway
Community consultation for the Alternative State Highway was open between 2020 and 2021.
Following engagement with the community, we have now outlined the proposed route and some modifications. This page provides details of what you told us and next steps for this project.
We want to make sure we're investing wisely in transport modes for the North West, so through the Indicative Business Case we sought your feedback on, and investigated in detail a number of options for the Alternative State Highway alignment and identified a preferred corridor.
To inform the Detailed Business Case, in November 2020 we talked to landowners and the community about the need for the Alternative State Highway and its purpose. We looked at the refined study area and where the highway would be best located to serve current and future communities. We also undertook further technical investigations. As a result of feedback and these investigations, the route has changed in the central section.
The Alternative State Highway Corridor will run between a new interchange at the current Brigham Creek roundabout and State Highway 16 (SH16), west to a point between Huapai and Waimauku, and include a new interchange at Tawa Road. It will move the existing state highway traffic out of the Kumeū-Huapai town centre and improve access and travel choices for the surrounding area.
This new route is a key component to unlocking urban growth in the North West. It will help to remove congestion, allow for improved freight access to the surrounding area and off the existing SH16 corridor through Kumeū Hupai, and stimulate development opportunities to revitalise the Kumeū town centre.
In November 2020, we asked you to tell us what you thought of the proposed Alternative State Highway and how you would use the new connections.
You told us
- You supported an alternative route to State Highway 16.
- You supported moving traffic away from the Kumeū-Huapai town centre.
- You asked about a route north of SH16, following Old North Road, and extending the route to Waimauku or Helensville.
- You want to preserve a local viticulture business.
- You’re concerned about flooding south of Boord Crescent.
- You asked about locating the proposed walking and cycling path to the northern side of the corridor.
How we used your feedback
Feedback from community consultation between November 2020 and February 2021 and further technical investigations have helped refine the preferred route.
We heard that you support the preferred route for the east (New Brigham Creek Interchange to North Auckland Rail Line) and west (Tawa Road to SH16 west of Huapai) sections, so these remain largely unchanged from our 2020 proposal.
Based on landowner and community feedback and technical assessments, refinements were made to reduce impacts on the Kumeū River area.
We also received landowner and community feedback relating to the central section between the North Auckland Rail Line in the east and Tawa Road in the west. This led to developing and evaluating three new options, including an alternative option submitted by landowners.
As a result of this work, we’ve made a change to the central section by moving it further to the south. This is a better location because it:
- Is on the edge of the Mixed Rural Zone close to existing roads and doesn’t split this area.
- Reduces impact on flood plains and wetlands to the north.
- Preserves the socio-economic benefits of a local viticulture business and employer.
- Avoids access issues for residents on a no exit road.
We also worked closely with our partners Manawhenua and Auckland Council to identify the proposed route.
The proposed route is outlined below:
Moving east to west, the Alternative State Highway will start at the new Brigham Creek Interchange and travel towards the North Auckland Rail line. The preferred route will run through the southern end of Boord Crescent and then south of Pomona Road to a new interchange at Tawa Road. The western section of the preferred route will then head north, passing through the southern part of land identified for future urban growth, before joining the existing SH16 and connecting west of Foster Road.
What's happening now?
We have lodged Notice of Requirement documentation with Auckland Council to protect the land we need for future transport projects in the North West.
The Detailed Business Case for the North West recommends that some local roads should be progressed by Auckland Transport at a later stage, rather than through this Notice of Requirement (designation) process.
This means upgrades to Nixon Road, Riverhead Road, Station Road and Northside Drive will be considered as part of Auckland Transport’s regular Regional Land Transport Plan process.
Public submissions are anticipated to open at the end of February 2023. We will advise the dates closer to the time and Auckland Council will confirm this in writing to landowners and other interested parties.
The Alternative State Highway is a long-term project. It is yet to be prioritised for funding and construction is currently expected to be in the next 20 to 30 years.