Where are we now?

Notices of Requirement were lodged in October 2023 and are available on Council’s website.

Auckland Council publicly notified the Notices of Requirement in November 2023 and submissions closed in December 2023.

Public hearings took place in May-June 2024 where the requiring authority (Auckland Transport) and all submitters had an opportunity to present and be heard.

Where are we heading?

We expect that Auckland Council will make its recommendation on the Notices of Requirement before the end of the 2024.

The requiring authority (Auckland Transport) will then make the final decision 30 working days after receiving the recommendation. This decision will be notified within 15 days to submitters, directly affected landowners/occupiers and immediate surrounding properties to the designation.

There will be an opportunity for any submitter to appeal the requiring authority’s decision. Appeals are lodged with the Environment Court.

Update on proposed changes for Walters Road – August 2024

During the public hearing in May and June 2024, submitters with interest and concerns regarding the design of the Walters Road overbridge felt that the design lodged with Council to be the most disruptive option for community and property owners.

Submitters and the Te Tupu Ngātahi team continued to engage post lodgement on solutions and agreed to work together to refine the design. By April 2024 agreement had been reached on design and designation changes. This has all been documented in a Joint Memorandum of Counsel to the Hearing Panel. Read below to find out about the changes.

What was the original design, and the concerns submitters had:

The lodged NoR involved a straight, online bridge alignment, with direct access lanes needing property take to accommodate.

Submitters wanted to see:

  • A better physical separation between the Town Centre and the proposed bridge to reduce visual impacts.
  • Reduced property impacts on the north side of the road including the Town Centre.
  • Ensuring continuous vehicular access
  • Reduced construction disruption to properties on the north side of the road.
  • Reduced risk to buildings closest to the bridge works from construction.

What are the features of the changes

The new design involves:

  • A move south of the proposed bridge
  • Creating more than 15 metre separation to the Town Centre buildings
  • A new access road loop utilising the existing Walters Road alignment west of the rail line
  • Provision for future reinstatement of left-in access to Town Centre.
  • Ability to remove impacts entirely from the properties at 6, 12, 20, 20A Walters, and 230 Great South Road; and to remove it partially from 30 Walters Road.

What now?

As noted above in the “The public hearing and appeals process” section, Council’s recommendation to AT is expected before the end of this year. AT will then consider the recommendation, make its decision and issue this to Council. This will include reasons for changes made to the designation through the hearing process. Council will notify submitters, and the appeal period will commence.

Need to find out more?

If you have any questions about these changes, the process and timing – give us a call on 0800 Grow Akl (0800 4769 255) or email us on info@supportinggrowth.nz

Level crossings in Takaanini Timeline

Click on the orange icons to track the progress of level crossings in Takaanini.

About Level crossings in Takaanini

As well as improved train services, we’re looking at changes to help reduce delays when people cross the tracks at level crossings in Takaanini.

In the future there will be even more trains operating across Tāmaki Makaurau. As well as improved train services, we’re looking at changes to help reduce delays and improve safety when people cross the tracks at level crossings in Takaanini.

More trains will mean bigger delays for people using level crossings because safety barriers will be down more often and for longer. Some people take risks to avoid being delayed by safety barrier arms.

We want to reduce the number of level crossings in Takaanini by replacing them with other options, like bridges that go over the tracks. This will make it safer and faster for you to move around Takaanini.

These changes are still a number of years away, but we are planning for them now to make sure, that as the population grows in South Auckland, especially in and around Takaanini, people can move around more safely and efficiently.

Where are we thinking about changing level crossings in Takaanini?