New public transport interchanges

Northern Public Transport Interchange and Park and Ride

Bus travelling through interchange

This would be a significant, long-term public transport interchange for the area. Located near where the proposed new Western Link Road meets the existing State Highway 1 (SH1), it is envisaged that it would include a park and ride facility, cycle storage parking, a bus layover area and provide for regional and local bus trips. This facility will also support services that travel to Warkworth town centre where there is limited available space for layovers and future charging for electric buses.

In the interim, a Warkworth Community Transport Hub at 80 Great North Road is being progressed through the Rodney Transport Targeted Rate. This facility has been developed as an interim site and is not large enough to accommodate the expected future demand for a fully developed Warkworth.

New Southern Public Transport Interchange

We’re proposing a second transport interchange to be located at the southern end of the proposed new Wider Western Link. These investigations are at an early stage, however a transport interchange in this area would primarily serve as a connection point for regional and local buses and will provide public transport connections to a future local centre. The future land use near this public transport interchange is also expected to be higher density and the ability to walk or cycle to frequent buses will support future residents to travel by bus.

The public transport interchange could include bus stops, bus layovers and cycle storage parking. It will also provide staff facilities.